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Digital Forensics

Have You Recently Been Hacked?

We Can Help!

At Gftd Japan, we specialize in investigating hacking incidents and
supporting victims of digital crimes in their pursuit of justice.

Uncover the Truth and Recover Your Funds

Share your story with us, and our dedicated expert will reach out to assist you.

How We Can Assist You

1. We begin by understanding the specifics of your hack to offer tailored advice.

2. Using advanced tools and methodologies, we meticulously investigate your hack to uncover critical evidence.

3. Our team provides essential legal guidance and support throughout your case.

4. We employ strategic measures aimed at recovering lost funds and assets.
Investigation banner

Step-by-Step Recovery

1. Initial Consultation
   2. Investigation and Analysis
3. Cryptocurrency Tracing
4. Legal Support
5. Recovery Efforts

Why Use Our Assessment Tool?

Check your company cybersecurity risk and maturity

Dark Web Analysis

Leveraging state-of-the-art dark web monitoring tools, we meticulously track down criminals in the misleading depths of the Dark Web.
Gftd Japan is proud to be an official distributor of Dark Web Analysis tools Quaxar and Xarvis in Japan.

Cryptocurrency Investigations

As many criminals utilize cryptocurrency to hide their tracks, we harness the power of Chainalysis Reactor to trace cryptocurrency transactions and assist victims in recovering their assets. Gftd Japan is honored to be an official partner of Chainalysis.

Gftd Japan is a member of JC3

As a member of the Japan Cybercrime Control Center (JC3), we significantly enhance our capabilities and ensure that our services adhere to global standards. Collaborating with experts and law enforcement agencies, Gftd Japan bolsters our ability to tackle complex cyber threats and gain access to the most current resources. Our involvement in JC3's mission is crucial in promoting a safer digital environment in Japan, directly benefiting our clients through effective recovery strategies.

Want to know more?

Report Digital Crime

Report Digital Crime